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6 August 2010 by shartley   

How beautiful would it be if all teachers lit up with ideas?

How beautiful would it be if all teachers lit up with ideas?

A teacher in my staffroom is very excited about some ideas she has for the students in our school.  This week she sought out the Principal to discuss her ideas.  He gave her some more ideas to consider and now she is going to spend some time at home putting a plan together based on her vision and their discussion.  She is passionate about her subject area and that students are given every opportunity to perform well in it and this is what motivates her.  I am enjoying listening to the journey and hope and pray it comes to fruition.  It also helps to motivate and encourage me.

However, other staff think she is silly to offer ideas because she will only create more work for herself.  This is not a far stretch in thinking by any means.  Often when someone sees a need the boss tells that someone to look after it, not just in schools, in any organisation.  But isn’t why we become teachers is because we want what’s best for the students?  I’m sure everyone with whom I work at least once thought that, but sometimes the focus is forgotten as we become buried in the tasks at hand and small problems become huge time consumers.

I commend the teachers of the world who see a problem and work at resolving it, no matter the cost in time and energy.  May there be more of it.  May the passion be reignited in all teachers.

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1 Comment »

  1. I have come across exactly what you describe above! I’m not sure where the negativity comes from…I think it’s from being overworked themselves…but I’ve certainly come across teachers who deride others for being ‘too keen’, jumping on ‘bandwagons’, ‘making more work for themselves’ etc.

    I wish I knew how to transform this attitude. I guess it’s by leading by example and not letting the nay-sayers get to you.

    Bravo to this teacher for pushing forward and bringing initiative and excitement to the profession! And bravo to you for your support!

    Julie Johnson, spec ed teacher

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